Wat is Panorama 2.030?

Utrecht groeit gestaag… van een provinciestad tot een middelgrote Europese stad. Utrecht verandert en Utrechters veranderen hun stad. Daar willen we de komende tijd graag extra aandacht aan besteden door de verhalen van en over Utrechters, in het verleden, nu en in de toekomst op te halen en te verbinden. We willen op zoek naar nieuwe mogelijkheden die Utrechters voor zichzelf en andere stadsgenoten zien. Hoe kunnen we daar samen vorm en inhoud aan geven? Panorama 2.030 brengt tal van initiatieven op dit gebied samen, organiseert het gesprek erover en wil de feitelijke toekomst inspireren. Panorama 2.030 is de lange termijn ontwikkeling waarin Utrechters op zoek gaan naar hun gemeenschappelijke toekomst.

Utrecht groeit naar een stad van 400.000 mensen. Dat betekent dat de stad keuzes moet maken op het gebied van wonen, leven en recreëren. Wat vind jij belangrijk voor Utrecht? Hoe ervaar jij de stad? Hoe woon je? Hoe leef je? Hoe recreëer je het liefst? Wat vind je belangrijk in de stad en wat is er nodig in de toekomst? Wat wil je behouden, en wat wil je erbij? En hoe zou je daar iets aan willen bijdragen? Daar zijn we benieuwd naar!

De stad kent vele dimensies, onontdekte mogelijkheden en vele potentiele richtingen waarin ze zich zou kunnen ontwikkelen. Die willen we met elkaar ontdekken en daarbij is het ene verhaal niet beter of belangrijker dan het andere. Voor alles willen we met Panorama 2.030 de verhalen met elkaar verbinden, zodat ideeën en wensen elkaar kunnen aanvullen; Het doel is immers het zoeken naar de stad die we samen willen. Dat gaat niet altijd van vandaag op morgen, maar een zelfbewuste stad heeft de toekomst! Dat is zeker …

dinsdag 2 februari 2016

LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons (LabGov)

The LABoratory for the GOVernance of Commons (“LabGov“) is a place of experimentation in all respects. However, instead of alembics and tubes you can find students, scholars, experts, activists thinking and discussing about the future shapes that social, economic and legal institutions may take.
LabGov was created, on the impulse of the LUISS Guido Carli Department of Political Science to train a brand-new breed of professionals, the “experts in the governance of urban commons.” These are young women and men able to create forms of partnerships between citizens, NGOs, public administrations, and local business fostering the smart specialization of urban and local communities. Today, LabGov is an independently run organization that continues with its roots of collaboration and the urban commons.

The crisis has impoverished all of us from an individual standpoint (i.e. the institutional capability, the property of private goods). Thus, the only way to be able to maintain a high quality of life is to create a new institutional and economic system based on the model of “civic collaboration”, “collaborative governance of the commons” and “circular subsidiarity”, according to which public institutions shall favor all citizens, as individuals or in associative forms, willing to care for the general interest. The implementation of this model requires specific competences that are exactly those that LabGov aims to create.

As part of its activities, LabGov involves about thirty students in a yearly series of workshops mixing theoretical training, soft skills training and real in-the-field action. Considering its nature as an in-house clinic and place of experimentation, LabGov continues its work beyond these workshops acting as a “gymnasium” for future social and institutional designers, engineers and innovators, engaging them in research, training, project management, and communication activities.

LabGov is based on the idea that, in order to achieve social and institutional regeneration, it is necessary to create collaborative relationships between citizens, administrations and businesses to share the scarce resources and to take care of the commons, whether tangible or intangible, in urban and local communities.

LabGov also engages with organizations and local governments in order to develop projects, regulations, and policies surrounding the urban commons. After significantly contributing to “Le città come beni comuni” Fondazione del Monte project and the drafting of the “Bologna regulation on public collaboration for urban commons“, the establishment of the CO-Mantova cultural and knowledge commons-based territorial pact of collaboration, the collaborative urban land use regulation “Battipaglia Collabora“, LabGov is currently working on the “Bologna città collaborativa” Fondazione del Monte project to implement the Regulation and foster the idea of public collaboration in the city of Bologna, the CO-Roma project to design a collaborative urban mobility plan to regulate and run the urban roads as a commons, and the CO-Palermo project to establish a regeneration agency for industrial and cultural commons. In November 2015, LabGov hosted a global conference on the urban commons entitled “The City as a Commons,” which successfully brought hundreds of international scholars on the urban commons together in Bologna, Italy.

LabGov’s activities are currently developed under the umbrella of a joint venture between two world-renowned research institutions, LUISS International Center on Democracy and Democratization led by Professor Leonardo Morlino and Fordham Urban Law Center led by Professor Sheila Foster. This partnership will enable LabGov to develop the international research and experimentation protocol “Co-Cities” to design the city of the future based on the governance of urban commons, collaborative land use, social innovation, sharing economy, collaborative economy. LabGov’s activities are coordinated by professor Christian Iaione.